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Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Exquisite Corpse photographic scavenger hunt (part II)

Problem (challenge):
Post one photograph you've shoot over the weekend inspired by your Exquisite Corpse sentence.

Subproblems (parameters/challenge):
  1. Don't stage or setup a scene
  2. Go for a walk (dorm, library, road, block)
    as long as it takes
  3. Don't try to tell the whole story held within the sentence
  4. Consider it a movie frame still
  5. Capture an incomplete fleeting moment
  6. One instance
  7. Give us a hint
  8. When looking through the camera/phone consider
    1. perhaps a close up
    2. leaning towards abstraction
    3. to what degree of abstraction
    4. continuance, proximate, closure, similarity/difference
    5. the way the forms interrelate
      detached, touching, overlapping, interpenetration, union, cropping, etc
    6. the dominating elements
      point, line, shape, color, value, texture, space...
Timeline: Due Monday, September 20th before 9 a.m.
  1. Post to blog
  2. Include
    1. title: The Exquisite Corpse Two
    1. sentence: your The Exquisite Corpse
    2. image: ONE  (you may decide to post more images in another blog post if you like)
    3. short write up of your process -- what helped you; what blocked you?
no images created by anyone else
no digital manipulation/editing

PS Get your blog up to date this it weekend.

Here is a list of posts you should have on your blog to date
beginning with the oldest posts first right up to the ones for this weekend.
  1. newspaper/first day summary
  2. week aug 27 lecture/reading summary

  3. 16 dots composition (b&w 6x6 clean sketches)
  4. final dot 4 and critic writeup (~250 minimum)
  5. cardboard nature studies (sketches)
  6. cardboard object progress report
  7. week sept 3 lecture/reading summary

  8. cardboard progress report
  9. playful and periodic image of top eight with self crit explaining selection
  10. week of sept 10 lecture summary on creativity

  11. the equiste corpse image and sentence
  12. final playful and periodic images with group critique write up
  13. cardboard critic and images

  14. week of sept 15 lecture/reading summary
  15. eight text as texture images
  16. the equiste corpse two image, sentence, process self evaluation

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