1. critique TEN refined ~11x17 mark/word solutionsbefore Monday
2. refine final solution/prep for enlargement
3. work on mark making sketchbook (stab binding)
a. select 20 of your best mark making experiments
that show a good deal of variety in mark style.
b. sequence (consider variation vs clustering and pacing)
c. determine best size for sketchbook
d. crop/clean up sketches to work in book
e. mount sketches (black paper)
f. CRAFT matters! Be consistent.
g. stab bind
h. put name small on back
- from 50+ mark/word solutions choose top TEN
(show variety styles of solutions)- refine and clean up craftsmanship
of word/word application (create mini poster)/
trim off edges that are unneeded on TEN- posted refined images to blog
(also images of your mark making device
should already be up on your blog)- bring to class ready to pin up on wall at 9 am.
- make extra text/make extra matching background images
(not combined so that you have materials to work with on Monday in class while refining based on crit)- bring supplies for book making
(ie large black paper, needle, awl, thread, exacto and metal ruler, etc)- bring all previously made sketches and mini posters
to class even if not part of final ten.- LOCATE store that has the equipment to enlarge your final piece before monday.
ps. i was very pleased with all of you that showed up to class with all your materials in order to work. YAY! It's the little things that bring me joy = y'all showing up prepared does that. THANKS it made my day.
I am also very much looking forward to seeing your MADNESS on monday with your modular pieces.
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